You can register for the online retreat by using the link below. The event will run from 1:00 to 5:00 Eastern time. We will begin with introductions and Mass. There will be talks and discussions following Mass. People must register in order to participate. They can...
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Program 1:00 Greetings & Introductions 1:10 MASS officiated by Fr. McKay 2:00 Interlude 2:05 Mary’s Fiat presented by Fr. Roland 3:00 Discussion 3:30 Break 3:40 Introduction 3:45 Matt Talbot’s Devotion to Our Lady presented by Ken Johnston 4:30 Discussion 4:55...
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Catholic World Report had a recent interview with Ken Johnston about how the Calix Society helps Catholics grow in faith while on the Twelve Step road to recovery.
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The “Credo” of the society succinctly tells the story: “Calix is an association of Catholic alcoholics, drug addicts, and family members and friends affected by addiction, who are maintaining their sobriety through participation in their Catholic faith and a 12 Step program. Our first concern is to interest Catholics with these problems in the virtue of total abstinence. Our second stated purpose is to promote the spiritual development of our membership. Our gathering today is an effort in this direction. Our conversation and our association together should be a source of inspiration and encouragement to each other, geared to our growth toward spiritual maturity. Our participation in all other spiritual activities of Calix, such as the frequent celebration of the Liturgy, reception of the Sacraments, personal prayer and meditation, Holy Hours, Days of Recollection and retreats, aids us in our third objective, namely, to strive for the sanctification of the whole personality of each member. We welcome others who are not members of our Catholic faith, and anyone concerned with the illness of alcoholism and addiction who wish to join with us in prayer for our stated purposes.”

四六级:用翻译提升全科能力,come on!_北方号_北方热点:2021-3-3 · 原标题:四六级:用翻译提升全科能力,comeon!作者:新东方考研四六级大家晚上好呀~我是新东方小小明四六级分数已经出来10余天了几家欢喜几家愁下一阶段的四六级考试也要准备起来啦虽然延迟了考试,但是,早考晚考都要考那就先把最难的攻克下来吧四六级什么最难?
– William J. Montroy, A founder of the Calix Society
南瓜灯是由白萝卜做的!关于万圣节你不知道的6件事 (5 ...:2021-10-31 · 事实上,第一个南瓜灯是由白萝卜做的。凯尔特人挖空白萝卜,在表面雕上人脸的形状,再把蜡烛放在里面。

Our Lady of Recovery
By: 12-Step-Review.org
For continued growth of the Calix Society
For deceased members of the Calix Society
For all those who struggle with addiction
For all those who are in recovery from addiction
Submit your prayer intentions here

Venerable Matt Talbot
by: Terry Nelson